AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide

To Configure a Generic Setup for Distribution Order Transmittals

This topic describes a generic setup AssetWise for distribution order transmittals.

  1. In AssetWise, select your Data Source.
  2. In Database Packages, select the AssetWiseCompression and AssetWisePckgDistOrdr database packages. For example,
  3. In the AssetWise Explorer, select Servers and select your server name.
  4. Select Communities, and then select your community name.
  5. Select Engines, and then verify that eB Compression Engine is in the list, otherwise:
    1. Click Add to add the .NET Assembly Engine
    2. Browse to c:\Program Files\Bentley\eB\Server\Engines and then select eb.Engine.Compression.dll
    3. Click Open.
  6. Double-click eB Compression Engine in the list and verify that this engine is registered to the server, otherwise click Manage Server Registration to register the engine.
  7. Verify that eB Package Distribution is in the list, otherwise:
    1. Click Add to add the .NET Assembly Engine
    2. Browse to c:\Program Files\Bentley\eB\Server\Engines and then select eb.Engine.PackageDistributionOrder.dll
    3. Click Open.
  8. Double-click eB Compression Engine in the list and verify that this engine is registered to the server, otherwise click Manage Server Registration to register the engine.
  9. In AssetWise Director, create a document template with a "File Container" Class Type.
  10. Add a file to the document template, and ensure that:
    1. The configured Excel coversheet is stored in the Transmittal Document template.
      Note: A generic coversheet template (Coversheet.xlsx) is provided with installation, and can be located in [Deployment_directory]\common\Engines\Resources.
    2. Only open XML based Excel files (xlsx, Office 2007 and later), will be supported as coversheets.
    3. Macro enabled (xlsm) files are not supported. Formulas can be used within the sheet, however coversheet tags must remain in a separate cell.
    4. Coversheet cells that must be populated, will be marked up with special tags in the Excel template file. Note that:
      • The tag format is {object|value|optional filter}
      • Tag start is denoted with a "{"
      • Object is the source object. The following objects are supported: Transmittal (the distribution order, TransmittalItem (one or more documents that are added to the transmittal), and TransmittalItemFile (the file that was downloaded and added to the transmittal)
      • Value is the equivalent to an eQL select statement
      • Filter is an equivalent to an eQL statement where Clause is optional
      • Each Tag component is separated by a vertical bar, "|"
      • Tag end is denoted with a "}"
      • Each transmittal may have only one Transmittal type object
      • There can be one or more TransmittalItem objects per outbound transmittal
      • Each TransmittalItem contains one TransmittalItemFile
      • TransmittalItem tags must appear on the first row of a table; No additional rows will be added below the first row
      • Special tag {Count}, is used to populate the number of transmittal items in the cell.
  11. Open the Distribution Order class.
  12. Expand Extended Behavior.
  13. From the Create File Container from this Template list, select Document Template.
  14. Select Automatically Create File Container when the Distribution Order of this class is created.